I have an uncle who is 94. He recently lost his wife, my wonderful Aunt Betty a few months ago. I try to send him a card once a week with an uplifting message from a General Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He tells me they make a difference, and I'm glad I can lift his heart.
Masculine thinking of you cards are a challenge, but I try and find images that are more masculine in nature. He was a farmer and would ride horses on the range.

· Altenew Thinking of You
· Inkadinkado Horses
· Gina Marie Designs Perfect Burlap Stencil
· Distress Oxide Inks: Brushed Corduroy and Vintage Photo
· Memory Box Matinee Rectangle Die
· Simon Says Stamp Big Mama Foam Tape
· Bearly Arts Precision Craft Glue
· Neenah Classic Crest 80# Solar White Cardstock
· Gina K. Designs Layering Weight and Base Weight Ivory Cardstock